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헤드헌팅 서비스
평판조회 서비스
커리어 컨설팅
조회 수 : 11324
2011.05.12 (11:23:44)
회사분류 : 외국계화장품
프로젝트 상세정보
담당업무:  1. Ensures Customer Growth
- Create and maintain an atmosphere geared to achieving sales and profit goals.
- Analyze and review goal attainment and develop strategies to improve performance.
- Ensure Net Sales performance and maintain customer inventory levels.
- Ensure staff delivers consistent, excellent service in accordance with our standards.
- Resolve Customer issues and requests in an efficient and quick manner.

2. Manages Operational Effectiveness
- Determine and communicate individual and team sales goals and hold staff accountable for results in accordance with the company’s business practices.
- Maintain a communication system for the store including frequent store visits to ensure all staff review current initiatives and direction.
- Hold regular, productive staff meetings
- Control expenses within budget guidelines.
- Ensure timely sell-in of all programs according to marketing calendar.
- Execute new launch displays and collateral placement according to guidelines.
- Ensure Purchase Orders are planned, approved and submitted in timely manner.
- Manage monthly retail sales and inventory reports.
- Follow and implement all visual presentation standards and merchandising guidelines.
- Maintains clean, neat and well-lit counters according to store design parameters and guidelines.
- Implement Suggested Retail Pricing guidelines.
- Oversee all planning details for events.
- Manage cash loss prevention, security and anti-diversion policies with all counters

3. Advises MRO/RSD of competitive actions and actively participates in discussions on business development/improvement opportunities.

4. Leads and Develops People 
경력 및 자격요건:  - Univ. graduated
- Five years’ retail experience, cosmetics preferred, one-two years\' management experience required.
- Previous experience in cosmetics field preferred. Travel Retail environment experience a plus.
- Ability to coach and motivate new and existing employees and customers, to function in a fast-paced environment, to embrace the company’s corporate philosophy.
- Excellent communication, leadership and organizational skills.
- Fluent in English 
근무지:  서울 
제출서류:  경력 위주 영문이력서 
기타:  자세한 사항은 이메일 또는 유선전화 문의 바랍니다. 
담당 컨설턴트
담당 컨설턴트:  안광선 
전화:  02 - 2051 - 3391 
이메일:  spring@preferred.co.kr 

번호 제목 상태
52 외국계기업 일본계 캐피탈 회사 오토리스/상용차리스/공작기계리스 영업담당자 접수중
51 외국계기업 [자동차 부품사] 개발구매 담당 채용 접수중
50 외국계소비재 [일본계 FMCG계열] 신사업기획 Specialist 접수중
49 외국계기업 [IT컨설팅/SI업체] 임원비서 채용 접수완료
48 외국계기업 [외국계 자동차 부품사] 기술영업 담당 대리-과장급 접수중
47 외국계기업 [외국계 자동차 부품사] QA담당 접수중
46 외국계기업 [Global 자동차 부품사] 생산기술담당 접수중
45 외국계기업 [Global 자동차 부품사] 품질담당 (SQE) 접수중
44 외국계기업 게임기획/ 유명 외국계 게임기업 접수중
43 외국계기업 DB 프로그래머/ 유명 외국계 스포츠 게임사 접수중
42 외국계기업 [Global 홍보대행사] PR specialist 모집 접수중
41 외국계기업 [Global 자동차 부품사] 구매담당 접수중
40 외국계기업 [Global 자동차 부품사] SW엔지니어 모집 접수중
39 외국계기업 [외국계 자동차 부품사] 기술영업 담당자(대리급) 접수중
38 외국계기업 [외국계 자동차 부품사] 원가회계 담당자(대리급) 접수중
37 외국계기업 [Global PR기업] Healthcare PR (과~차장급) 접수중
36 외국계기업 [Global PR기업] Government affairs PR(과~차장급) 접수중
35 외국계기업 [외국계 자동차 부품사] 협력업체 관리 SQ담당 접수중
34 외국계기업 [Global 홍보 대행사] Financial industry PR consultant 접수중
33 외국계기업 [외국계 자동차 부품사] 프로그램 매니저 접수중


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